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Azienda Prodotti Dove Siamo Contattaci News


We are happy to inform you that we will exhibit at the Elmia Subcontractor scheduled from the 12th [...]


We are happy to inform you that we will exhibit at the Motek scheduled from the 08th to the 11th [...]

  Stud Bolts

The wide range of stud bolts DIN 976/A is concentrated on metric thread ISO with big pitch, but it does not avoid the production of stud bolts with small thread and Withworth. All articles are produced with a 6g tolerance on the thread and in different materials, as: mild steel plain and zinc plated, stainless steel A2 and A4, C20, C40, ASTM A-193 B7, brass and AVP, with respective class of resistance: 4.8, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9.

  Trapezoidal Screws

The available range of trapezoidal screws DIN 103 Uni – Iso 2901 – 2902 – 2903 – 2904 includes both threads with normal pitch and big and small pitches. We have in stock trapezoidal screws with length 1-2-3 meters in different materials and different lead accuracies ready for the delivery.

Nuts and Screws on drawing

Beyond the range of standard products, we produce special Nuts and Screws, both for diameters, pitches, dimensions and finishes. Indeed we are specialized in the production of Nuts and Screws on customer’s drawings, so that we can grant a unique quality of the product and we can allow the customer to use it immediately.

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